-- When U.S. President Barack Obama told Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao last week that the yuan’s peg to the dollar is unsustainable, he forgot to add one thing: It also threatens the world’s floating exchange-rate system.
China’s official currency reserves are simply becoming too large. The Bank for International Settlements’ triennial survey of foreign-exchange and derivatives activity, released this month, points to huge and growing trading volumes in the global currency market. --
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quarta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2010
terça-feira, 28 de setembro de 2010
A crise do dólar está cada vez mais perto
-- The U.S. dollar is “one step nearer” to a crisis as debt levels in the world’s largest economy increase, said Yu Yongding, a former adviser to China’s central bank.
Any appreciation of the dollar is “really temporary” and a devaluation of the currency is inevitable as U.S. debt rises, Yu said in a speech in Singapore today.
“Such a huge amount of debt is terrible,” Yu said. “The situation will be worsening day by day. I think we are one step nearer to a U.S.-dollar crisis.”
Yu also said China is worried about the safety of its foreign-exchange reserves including those invested in U.S. Treasuries as the U.S. currency weakens, reiterating his earlier views on the dollar assets. The U.S. will record a $1.3 trillion budget deficit for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, the Congressional Budget Office said Aug. 19.
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Any appreciation of the dollar is “really temporary” and a devaluation of the currency is inevitable as U.S. debt rises, Yu said in a speech in Singapore today.
“Such a huge amount of debt is terrible,” Yu said. “The situation will be worsening day by day. I think we are one step nearer to a U.S.-dollar crisis.”
Yu also said China is worried about the safety of its foreign-exchange reserves including those invested in U.S. Treasuries as the U.S. currency weakens, reiterating his earlier views on the dollar assets. The U.S. will record a $1.3 trillion budget deficit for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, the Congressional Budget Office said Aug. 19.
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segunda-feira, 27 de setembro de 2010
A "guerra das taxas de câmbio" - a posição do Brasil
Mantega Says Brazil to Buy `Excess Dollars' Amid Worldwide `Currency War'
By Joao Oliveira and Iuri Dantas - Sep 27, 2010 8:56 PM GMT-0300
Brazilian Finance Minister Guido Mantega said the government will buy all “excess dollars” in the market to curb the real’s appreciation as governments around the world engage in a “currency war.”
Brazil won’t allow the real to appreciate excessively as other countries weaken their currencies to gain market share for exporters, Mantega said today at an event in Sao Paulo.
“We are experiencing a currency war,” Mantega said. “Devaluing currencies artificially is a global strategy.”
The real has gained 35 percent against the U.S. dollar since the beginning of 2009, making Brazilian exports more expensive in dollar terms and cutting into profits for exporters. The comments today echo those Mantega made Sept. 15, when he pledged that Brazil is “not going to lose this game.”
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Pontos de discussão: Avalia a estratégia brasileira. Quais são os custos comprando os dolares? O que significa este para a economia brasileira?
Brazil won’t allow the real to appreciate excessively as other countries weaken their currencies to gain market share for exporters, Mantega said today at an event in Sao Paulo.
“We are experiencing a currency war,” Mantega said. “Devaluing currencies artificially is a global strategy.”
The real has gained 35 percent against the U.S. dollar since the beginning of 2009, making Brazilian exports more expensive in dollar terms and cutting into profits for exporters. The comments today echo those Mantega made Sept. 15, when he pledged that Brazil is “not going to lose this game.”
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Pontos de discussão: Avalia a estratégia brasileira. Quais são os custos comprando os dolares? O que significa este para a economia brasileira?
Briga sobre taxas de câmbio - dólar, yuan, euro
-- Nobel-Prize winning economist Robert Mundell said U.S. legislation to press China to raise the value of the yuan would be a “disaster” and fail to narrow the trade deficit between the two nations.
“This is not going to help Americans,” Mundell said in a Bloomberg Television interview in Hong Kong. “This is not going to create jobs for Americans. It’s just going to create a disaster.”
The euro-dollar fluctuation “is a terrible thing for the world economy,” Mundell said. “We’ve never been in this unstable position in the entire currency history of 3,000 years.” --
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“This is not going to help Americans,” Mundell said in a Bloomberg Television interview in Hong Kong. “This is not going to create jobs for Americans. It’s just going to create a disaster.”
The euro-dollar fluctuation “is a terrible thing for the world economy,” Mundell said. “We’ve never been in this unstable position in the entire currency history of 3,000 years.” --
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sexta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2010
Internet bate TV
Internet bate TV aberta como passatempo nacional Espectador brasileiro prefere internet e busca web para assistir à televisão ![]() Clique para continuar lendo » |
Conceitos de conocer e entender para passar a prova I
- Definição do "capitalismo global"
- definição de "nova economia"
- definiçaõ "países emergentes" e "BRICs"
- NAFTA - e outros acordos comerciais
- entender como a "Guerra Fria" impactou o sistema monetário internacional de esta época
- a crise mundial 1914-1945 no contexto históric
- fatores que explicam a rápida recuperação pós-guerra na Europa Ocidental e Japão
- Bretton Woods - FMI - Gatt - Banco Mundial - OMC - G7/G8 - G20
- os "novos players"
- integração econômica e monetária, "Globalização" e "Globophobia"
- relação entre comèrcio internacional e produçaõ global
- papel do IDE
- divisão do comércio mundial - posição de América Latina vs. Ásia
- globalização e tecnologia
- fatores que explicam o deslocamento global do poder econômico
- os "quatro tigres" vs. a desempenho de outro PMDs
- a "Grande China"
- a revolução demográfica
- o novo regionalismo
- Sistema Bretton Woods (SBM) - orígem, organização, mecanismos, problemas, ascenção e declínio
- liderança do Estados Unidos
- fatores do sucesso econômico do pós-guerra
- Sistema monetário de taxas de câmbio fixas
- padrão ouro como modelo para o SBW
- o que significa "privilégios extravagantes" no contexto do SBW?
- o que signifia "senhoriagem" no contexto do SBW?
- "Rodada de negociações comerciais"
- tarifas, protecionismo, "novo protecionismo"
- relação entre SBW e GATT
- desequilibrios no SBW
- estagflação
- taxas de câmbio flexiveis
- Sistema Monetário Europeu
- o novo "Não-Sistema" do Sistema Monetário Inernacaional
- "desvinculação" do sistema monetário internacional do padrão ouro
- volatilidade cambial
- a crise do petróleo
- o declínio da produtividade
- revolução financeira - globalização financeira - eurodollar
- debate Keynesianismo - Monetarismo - papel dos bancos centrais
- crise da dívida dos PMDs
- "empréstimos soberanos"
Fontes principais dos estudos:
Robert Gilpin: O Desafia do Capitalismo Global. A Economia Mundial no Século XXI
Paulo Sandroni: Novíssimo Dicionário de Economia
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Para perguntas, discussões e sugestões entre no "Comments" abaixo
- definição de "nova economia"
- definiçaõ "países emergentes" e "BRICs"
- NAFTA - e outros acordos comerciais
- entender como a "Guerra Fria" impactou o sistema monetário internacional de esta época
- a crise mundial 1914-1945 no contexto históric
- fatores que explicam a rápida recuperação pós-guerra na Europa Ocidental e Japão
- Bretton Woods - FMI - Gatt - Banco Mundial - OMC - G7/G8 - G20
- os "novos players"
- integração econômica e monetária, "Globalização" e "Globophobia"
- relação entre comèrcio internacional e produçaõ global
- papel do IDE
- divisão do comércio mundial - posição de América Latina vs. Ásia
- globalização e tecnologia
- fatores que explicam o deslocamento global do poder econômico
- os "quatro tigres" vs. a desempenho de outro PMDs
- a "Grande China"
- a revolução demográfica
- o novo regionalismo
- Sistema Bretton Woods (SBM) - orígem, organização, mecanismos, problemas, ascenção e declínio
- liderança do Estados Unidos
- fatores do sucesso econômico do pós-guerra
- Sistema monetário de taxas de câmbio fixas
- padrão ouro como modelo para o SBW
- o que significa "privilégios extravagantes" no contexto do SBW?
- o que signifia "senhoriagem" no contexto do SBW?
- "Rodada de negociações comerciais"
- tarifas, protecionismo, "novo protecionismo"
- relação entre SBW e GATT
- desequilibrios no SBW
- estagflação
- taxas de câmbio flexiveis
- Sistema Monetário Europeu
- o novo "Não-Sistema" do Sistema Monetário Inernacaional
- "desvinculação" do sistema monetário internacional do padrão ouro
- volatilidade cambial
- a crise do petróleo
- o declínio da produtividade
- revolução financeira - globalização financeira - eurodollar
- debate Keynesianismo - Monetarismo - papel dos bancos centrais
- crise da dívida dos PMDs
- "empréstimos soberanos"
Fontes principais dos estudos:
Robert Gilpin: O Desafia do Capitalismo Global. A Economia Mundial no Século XXI
Paulo Sandroni: Novíssimo Dicionário de Economia
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quarta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2010
Paridade do Poder de Compra - Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)
Aprende como fazer comparações internacionais baseadas na paridade de poder de compra:
terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2010
Briga entre EU e China sobre taxa de câmbio
President Barack Obama criticized China’s currency policy, praised his economic team and called predictions of a Republican takeover of the House of Representatives “premature.”
China’s leaders haven’t done “everything they said would be done” to allow the nation’s currency to rise in value, Obama said yesterday, echoing the views expressed by administration officials and lawmakers at congressional hearings last week. “What we’ve said to them is you need to let your currency rise,” he said in an hour-long town hall discussion on the economy broadcast on CNBC television.
The yuan is “valued lower than market conditions say it should be” and that gives China “an advantage in trade,” the president said ahead of scheduled talks with Premier Wen Jiabao at this week’s United Nations General Assembly in New York.
In response, Jiang Yu, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, called U.S. criticisms of the exchange rate “unwise and short-sighted.” Appreciation of the yuan cannot solve the U.S. trade deficit and America should focus on economic recovery, she said today on a government website.
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Ponto de reflexão: O que significa e quais implicações tem "poder financeiro"?
China’s leaders haven’t done “everything they said would be done” to allow the nation’s currency to rise in value, Obama said yesterday, echoing the views expressed by administration officials and lawmakers at congressional hearings last week. “What we’ve said to them is you need to let your currency rise,” he said in an hour-long town hall discussion on the economy broadcast on CNBC television.
The yuan is “valued lower than market conditions say it should be” and that gives China “an advantage in trade,” the president said ahead of scheduled talks with Premier Wen Jiabao at this week’s United Nations General Assembly in New York.
In response, Jiang Yu, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, called U.S. criticisms of the exchange rate “unwise and short-sighted.” Appreciation of the yuan cannot solve the U.S. trade deficit and America should focus on economic recovery, she said today on a government website.
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Ponto de reflexão: O que significa e quais implicações tem "poder financeiro"?
Poupança chinesa
By JIM LANDERS / The Dallas Morning News
jlanders@dallasnews.com BEIJING – China's young bankers and budding economists are part of a wired, frustrated generation looking for their inheritance.
They've enjoyed the savings of their parents to get this far. Now they are looking to collect their due from another source – the money China has loaned to the United States.
The Council on Foreign Relations estimates that China holds at least $1.4 trillion of U.S. debts, plus $231 billion in corporate bonds and equity.
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Ponto de reflexão: Explique as causas da acumulação chinesa da dívida americana e analise as consequências da sua redução.
jlanders@dallasnews.com BEIJING – China's young bankers and budding economists are part of a wired, frustrated generation looking for their inheritance.
They've enjoyed the savings of their parents to get this far. Now they are looking to collect their due from another source – the money China has loaned to the United States.
The Council on Foreign Relations estimates that China holds at least $1.4 trillion of U.S. debts, plus $231 billion in corporate bonds and equity.
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Ponto de reflexão: Explique as causas da acumulação chinesa da dívida americana e analise as consequências da sua redução.
Brasil passa os Estados Unidos como lugar mais atrativo para investir
The U.S. has fallen behind emerging markets in Brazil, China and India as the preferred place to invest, a Bloomberg survey shows, though the world’s largest economy still ranks highest of all major developed countries.
The U.S. ranked first three months ago in the last quarterly Bloomberg Global Poll. Along with the slipping perceptions of the U.S. markets in the most recent survey, conducted Sept. 16-17, poll respondents say the Federal Reserve is likely to take further steps to try to bolster the economy.
In the September poll of 1,408 investors, analysts and traders who are Bloomberg subscribers, respondents rate the U.S. fourth for potential returns over the next year, behind Brazil and China, tied for first, and India, in third place.
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Comment: O mundo está mudando e o Brasil está em frente.
The U.S. ranked first three months ago in the last quarterly Bloomberg Global Poll. Along with the slipping perceptions of the U.S. markets in the most recent survey, conducted Sept. 16-17, poll respondents say the Federal Reserve is likely to take further steps to try to bolster the economy.
In the September poll of 1,408 investors, analysts and traders who are Bloomberg subscribers, respondents rate the U.S. fourth for potential returns over the next year, behind Brazil and China, tied for first, and India, in third place.
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Comment: O mundo está mudando e o Brasil está em frente.
ONU perde de importância
World leaders are cutting back their visits to the United Nations General Assembly session this week as they find the Group of 20 and other smaller gatherings more effective venues to debate international problems.
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Comment: Aparece que o G 20 vai ser cada vez mais o novo forum central da política global.
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Comment: Aparece que o G 20 vai ser cada vez mais o novo forum central da política global.
quinta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2010
Taxa de câmbio, a "guerra comércial" e a "opção nuclear"
Ding Yifan, a policy guru at the Development Research Centre, said China could respond by selling holdings of US debt, estimated at over $1.5 trillion (£963bn). This would trigger a rise in US interest rates. His comments at a forum in Beijing follow a string of remarks by Chinese officials questioning US credit-worthiness and the reliability of the dollar.
China's authorities seem split over how to respond to moves on Capitol Hill for legislation to punish Beijing for holding down the yuan. The central bank has ruled out use of its "nuclear weapon", insisting that it would not exploit its $2.45 trillion of foreign reserves for political purposes. "The US Treasury market is a very important market for China," it said.
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Ponto de relexão: Explique a relação da taxa de câmbio com o sistema monetário internacional e a distribuição do poder internacional.
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Ponto de relexão: Explique a relação da taxa de câmbio com o sistema monetário internacional e a distribuição do poder internacional.
Estados Unidos quer que China valoriza o yuan
Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said China needs to allow a “significant, sustained” rise in its currency as lawmakers called for the U.S. to toughen its stance on the yuan.
“The pace of appreciation has been too slow and the extent of appreciation too limited,” Geithner said in testimony at a congressional hearing today. “We are examining the important question of what mix of tools, those available to the United States and multilateral approaches, might help encourage the Chinese authorities to move more quickly.”
Geithner’s comments, his strongest since he took office in January 2009, highlight growing frustration among American officials with policies they say put American companies at a competitive disadvantage. The U.S. yesterday filed a pair of complaints against its second-largest trading partner with the World Trade Organization, and lawmakers facing elections in November are introducing measures allowing companies to pursue sanctions against China for its currency stance.
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Pontos de reflexão: Por que os Estados Unidos querem que China valoriza a sua moeda? Quais são as conexões da taxa de câmbio do yuan com as taxas do iene, do euro e do real? Explique a relação entre taxa de câmbio, comércio, emprego, renda nacional e dívida externa.
“The pace of appreciation has been too slow and the extent of appreciation too limited,” Geithner said in testimony at a congressional hearing today. “We are examining the important question of what mix of tools, those available to the United States and multilateral approaches, might help encourage the Chinese authorities to move more quickly.”
Geithner’s comments, his strongest since he took office in January 2009, highlight growing frustration among American officials with policies they say put American companies at a competitive disadvantage. The U.S. yesterday filed a pair of complaints against its second-largest trading partner with the World Trade Organization, and lawmakers facing elections in November are introducing measures allowing companies to pursue sanctions against China for its currency stance.
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Pontos de reflexão: Por que os Estados Unidos querem que China valoriza a sua moeda? Quais são as conexões da taxa de câmbio do yuan com as taxas do iene, do euro e do real? Explique a relação entre taxa de câmbio, comércio, emprego, renda nacional e dívida externa.
quarta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2010
O que fazer com o real forte?
Ameaça de Mantega segura o câmbio, mas País enfrenta 'chuva' de dólaresGoverno diz que vai impedir a valorização do real, mas fluxo de dólares está aumentando e deve crescer ainda mais nos próximos meses
Leandro Modé - O Estado de S.Paulo
Ao menos por um dia, o governo conseguiu frear a alta do real no "gogó". O dólar ganhou ontem 1,11%, para R$ 1,726, depois de atingir, terça-feira, o menor valor em 10 meses. Em duas ocasiões ao longo do dia, o ministro da Fazenda, Guido Mantega, disse que o governo fará tudo o que puder para impedir a valorização excessiva do real - nos últimos 4 dias, entraram mais de US$ 2 bilhões no País.O mercado especula, agora, o que pode ser feito. "Tomaremos as medidas adequadas para que o real não seja valorizado", afirmou Mantega no início da tarde. "Vamos enxugar qualquer excesso de dólar que possa entrar com a operação da Petrobrás. Vamos comprar tudo, já estou avisando", reforçou um pouco mais tarde, referindo-se à informação, antecipada pelo Estado sábado, de que o Banco Central (BC) vai comprar todos os dólares que entrarem no Brasil em decorrência da capitalização da Petrobrás.
O problema é que não é apenas essa operação que tem provocado a valorização recente do real. O dólar tem caído ante praticamente todas as moedas do mundo - em grande medida por causa da fraqueza da economia dos Estados Unidos. Nos últimos 30 dias, o dólar australiano ganhou 5,2% ante o americano, a coroa sueca, 5,17% e o franco suíço, 4,79%. O real subiu 2,66%.
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Pontos de reflexão: análise o real forte com o dólar fraco. Quais são as causas? Quais são as consequências? O que o governo pode fazer? Como estes problemas são o produto de um sistema monetário internacional distorcido?
Japão promove um iene mais fraco
- Japan’s solo run to restrain the yen exposes a flaw at the heart of the global recovery effort: The world’s major economies can’t all export their way to prosperity.
As governments from Tokyo to Washington and Berlin struggle to spur their economies, unemployment and budget deficits are forcing them to pursue policies aimed at harnessing foreign demand. Japan embraced that strategy yesterday by intervening in markets for the first time since 2004 to slow the yen’s climb to a 15-year high against the dollar and protect its exporters. --
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Pontos de reflexão: compare a situação de Japão com o Brasil e exlique porque ambos queren a sua moeda mais fraca. Mostre as limitações desta estratégia.
As governments from Tokyo to Washington and Berlin struggle to spur their economies, unemployment and budget deficits are forcing them to pursue policies aimed at harnessing foreign demand. Japan embraced that strategy yesterday by intervening in markets for the first time since 2004 to slow the yen’s climb to a 15-year high against the dollar and protect its exporters. --
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Pontos de reflexão: compare a situação de Japão com o Brasil e exlique porque ambos queren a sua moeda mais fraca. Mostre as limitações desta estratégia.
terça-feira, 14 de setembro de 2010
Taxa de câmbio e crescimento econômico na América Latina
A valorização das moedas latinoamericanas, em especial do real brasileiro, poderá afetar a competitividade das exportações da região e desacelerar o crescimento desses países em 2011, com um impacto negativo para a reativação mundial, estimou nesta terça-feira a Unctad (Conferência da ONU para o Comércio e o Desenvolvimento).
"O perigo, uma vez em certos países latinoamericanos, em particular no Brasil, está vinculado à forte valorização das moedas nos últimos meses", indicou o economista Heiner Flassbeck, ao apresentar o relatório anual da Unctad, em Genebra.
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"O perigo, uma vez em certos países latinoamericanos, em particular no Brasil, está vinculado à forte valorização das moedas nos últimos meses", indicou o economista Heiner Flassbeck, ao apresentar o relatório anual da Unctad, em Genebra.
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Bônus 30 anos em dólares
Brasil reabre emissão de bônus de 30 anos em dólares
O Tesouro Nacional anunciou nesta terça-feira que concedeu mandato para a reabertura de bônus denominado em dólares com vencimento em janeiro de 2041. Os títulos serão emitidos nos mercados norte-americano e europeu. De acordo com o informe, o Tesouro Nacional conta com a prerrogativa de dar seguimento à emissão na Ásia, após a abertura do mercado local. Após o fechamento dos mercados da Europa e dos EUA, o Tesouro divulgará os resultados preliminares da emissão. O resultado final será divulgado na manhã desta quarta-feira, após a conclusão da eventual oferta nos mercados da Ásia. Leia mais (14/09/2010 - 10h41)
segunda-feira, 13 de setembro de 2010
-- Cuba anunciou nesta segunda-feira que vai cortar ao menos meio milhão de funcionários públicos até o começo do ano que vem e reduzir as restrições a empreendimentos particulares para ajudá-los a encontrar novos empregos. É a medida mais dramática já anunciada no governo de Raúl Castro para atenuar a grave situação econômica que enfrenta a ilha. Para tentar amenizar o impacto, o governo prometeu aumentar as oportunidades de emprego no setor privado, além de permitir que mais cubanos se tornem autônomos. Eles também poderão formar cooperativas gerenciadas pelos próprios empregados, em vez de pelos administradores do governo. O governo prometeu ainda arrendar cada vez mais terra, negócios e infraestrutura estatal.
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Pontos de reflexão: quais são os problemas fundamentais porque "o socialismo não funciona"?
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Pontos de reflexão: quais são os problemas fundamentais porque "o socialismo não funciona"?
domingo, 12 de setembro de 2010
Reforma do sistema monetário internacional
Regulators from 27 nations more than doubled their capital requirements for banks, giving lenders as long as eight years to comply in full, as part of international efforts to prevent future financial crises.
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision will require lenders to have common equity equal to at least 4.5 percent of assets, weighted according to their risk. Regulators will introduce an additional capital buffer of 2.5 percent to withstand future stress, the committee said in a statement today. Banks that fail to meet that second buffer would be stopped from paying dividends, though not forced to raise cash.
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Pontos de reflexão: a) os motivos b) as consequências c) o papel do Brasil no processo
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision will require lenders to have common equity equal to at least 4.5 percent of assets, weighted according to their risk. Regulators will introduce an additional capital buffer of 2.5 percent to withstand future stress, the committee said in a statement today. Banks that fail to meet that second buffer would be stopped from paying dividends, though not forced to raise cash.
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Pontos de reflexão: a) os motivos b) as consequências c) o papel do Brasil no processo
sábado, 11 de setembro de 2010
Aumenta a pobreza nos Estados Unidos
WASHINGTON – The number of people in the U.S. who are in poverty is on track for a record increase on President Barack Obama's watch, with the ranks of working-age poor approaching 1960s levels that led to the national war on poverty.
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Ponto de reflexão: cual é a relação entre o aumento da pobreza e a posição dos Estados Unidos como produtor da moeda internacional?
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Ponto de reflexão: cual é a relação entre o aumento da pobreza e a posição dos Estados Unidos como produtor da moeda internacional?
China: reservas internacionais
-- The Chinese Government holds the largest stockpile of currency reserves at $2.45 trillion (£1.59 trillion), with 65pc held in dollars, 26pc in euros, 5pc in pounds, and 3pc in yen.
The report was published in official newspaper the China Securities Journal and confirmed analysts' estimates that about two-thirds of the reserves are invested in dollars. Until now the allocation of China's foreign exchange reserves was considered a state secret.
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Pontos de pesquisa e reflexão: Como e porque China acumulou reservas internacionais neste tamanho? O que China vai fazer agora com as reservas? Diversificar, gastar, manter? Quais são as consequencias para o sistema monetário internacional? Quais são as consequencias para a economia global?
The report was published in official newspaper the China Securities Journal and confirmed analysts' estimates that about two-thirds of the reserves are invested in dollars. Until now the allocation of China's foreign exchange reserves was considered a state secret.
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Pontos de pesquisa e reflexão: Como e porque China acumulou reservas internacionais neste tamanho? O que China vai fazer agora com as reservas? Diversificar, gastar, manter? Quais são as consequencias para o sistema monetário internacional? Quais são as consequencias para a economia global?
Taxa de câmbio - dólar-iene
TOKYO — The Japanese government is gearing up to intervene in global currency markets to curb a strengthening yen, Prime Minister Naoto Kan said Friday, signaling an effort to limit further damage to Japan’s export-led economy.
sexta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2010
Taxa de câmbio: dólar - real
Dólar cai pelo oitavo dia seguido e chega ao menor valor do ano
Banco Central volta a intervir, mas não segura a queda de 0,17% desta sexta-feira (10), com moeda norte-americana fechando a R$ 1,720, menor valor desde de novembro
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quinta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2010
Acordos cambiais na Europa - tem lições para a América Latina
Assiste a video palestra do Antony Mueller sobre acordos cambiais na Europa e se tem lições para a América Latina:
Quotas no FMI
IMF Quota Shares (percent of total) 2007
Country/Region Actual Quota Share1 Nominal Quotas
United States 17.1
European Union 32.4
Asia 11.5
China 3.7
India 1.9
Korea 1.3
Middle East and Turkey 7.6
Turkey 0.5
Latin America 7.6
Mexico 1.5
Brazil 1.4
Africa 5.3
Canada 2.9
Russian Federation 2.7
Switzerland 1.6
Australia 1.5
All other countries 9.8
Consented quotas as of May 21, 2007
Veja aqui a atual distribuição das quotas no Fundo Monetário Internacional por país:
Country/Region Actual Quota Share1 Nominal Quotas
United States 17.1
European Union 32.4
Asia 11.5
China 3.7
India 1.9
Korea 1.3
Middle East and Turkey 7.6
Turkey 0.5
Latin America 7.6
Mexico 1.5
Brazil 1.4
Africa 5.3
Canada 2.9
Russian Federation 2.7
Switzerland 1.6
Australia 1.5
All other countries 9.8
Consented quotas as of May 21, 2007
Veja aqui a atual distribuição das quotas no Fundo Monetário Internacional por país:
quarta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2010
Slide shows Sistema Monetário e Financeiro Internacional
Veja os slide shows sobre economia política internacional para as aulas do Prof. Antony Mueller:
"Sistema Monetário e Financeiro Internacional"
International Political Economy
International Monetary Integration
Monetary and Currency Arrangements
Mais slied shows sobre economia política internacional:
"Sistema Monetário e Financeiro Internacional"
International Political Economy
International Monetary Integration
Monetary and Currency Arrangements
Mais slied shows sobre economia política internacional:
Slide show sobre acordos monetários internacionais
Apresentação Power Point sobre Monetary and Currency Arrangements
Aula 8 de Setembro de 2010
Aula 8 de Setembro de 2010
domingo, 5 de setembro de 2010
Brasil protecionista - o caminho errado
Por Raquel Landim, estadao.com.br, Atualizado: 5/9/2010 0:28
Indústria reage às importações com onda protecionista
O forte crescimento das importações provocou uma onda protecionista na indústria brasileira. Os empresários estão pressionando o governo a adotar medidas capazes de frear a entrada de produtos vindos do exterior: tarifas de importação mais altas, regras mais flexíveis para medidas antidumping e até preferências em licitações públicas.
Nas últimas semanas, fabricantes de eletroeletrônicos e máquinas procuraram o ministro da Fazenda, Guido Mantega, e pediram para aumentar as tarifas de importação de alguns de seus produtos. A iniciativa chamou a atenção dos setor químico, que avalia se é conveniente fazer o mesmo pleito.
Outras empresas também estão se mexendo. A Usiminas solicitou a abertura de uma investigação de dumping contra a China. Fabricantes de calçados, escovas de cabelo, óculos e ímãs vão entregar em breve petições para estender as sobretaxas já existentes contra os chineses a outros países.
O real valorizado é apenas um dos motivos das reclamações. Com um crescimento de mais de 7% previsto para este ano, o mercado brasileiro se tornou um alvo óbvio. Os países ricos querem sair da crise exportando mais, enquanto os asiáticos precisam diversificar suas vendas. De janeiro a agosto, as importações brasileiras cresceram 45,7% - a maior taxa do planeta.
Leia mais
Ponto de reflexão: Discute porque o protecionismo é o caminho da pobreza - ganhos a curto praza custam caro no longo prazo.
Note que a pressão chega das empresas nacionais - o que significa isso?
Discute a relação entre o "real forte" e o comércio exterior.
Indústria reage às importações com onda protecionista
O forte crescimento das importações provocou uma onda protecionista na indústria brasileira. Os empresários estão pressionando o governo a adotar medidas capazes de frear a entrada de produtos vindos do exterior: tarifas de importação mais altas, regras mais flexíveis para medidas antidumping e até preferências em licitações públicas.
Nas últimas semanas, fabricantes de eletroeletrônicos e máquinas procuraram o ministro da Fazenda, Guido Mantega, e pediram para aumentar as tarifas de importação de alguns de seus produtos. A iniciativa chamou a atenção dos setor químico, que avalia se é conveniente fazer o mesmo pleito.
Outras empresas também estão se mexendo. A Usiminas solicitou a abertura de uma investigação de dumping contra a China. Fabricantes de calçados, escovas de cabelo, óculos e ímãs vão entregar em breve petições para estender as sobretaxas já existentes contra os chineses a outros países.
O real valorizado é apenas um dos motivos das reclamações. Com um crescimento de mais de 7% previsto para este ano, o mercado brasileiro se tornou um alvo óbvio. Os países ricos querem sair da crise exportando mais, enquanto os asiáticos precisam diversificar suas vendas. De janeiro a agosto, as importações brasileiras cresceram 45,7% - a maior taxa do planeta.
Leia mais
Ponto de reflexão: Discute porque o protecionismo é o caminho da pobreza - ganhos a curto praza custam caro no longo prazo.
Note que a pressão chega das empresas nacionais - o que significa isso?
Discute a relação entre o "real forte" e o comércio exterior.
Globalização na Idade Média (ca. 900 AD)
sábado, 4 de setembro de 2010
Macroeconomia da economia aberta
Aulas online do professor Antony Mueller sobre a macroeconomia da economia aberta:
- A Macroeconomia da Economia Aberta I
- A Macroeconomia da Economia Aberta II
- A Macroeconomia da Economia Aberta III
- Análise Econômica do Balanço de Pagamentos I
- Análise Econômica do Balanço de Pagamentos II
- Determinantes da Taxa de Câmbio
Assiste as aulas online download ou stream:
- A Macroeconomia da Economia Aberta I
- A Macroeconomia da Economia Aberta II
- A Macroeconomia da Economia Aberta III
- Análise Econômica do Balanço de Pagamentos I
- Análise Econômica do Balanço de Pagamentos II
- Determinantes da Taxa de Câmbio
Assiste as aulas online download ou stream:
sexta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2010
Comércio exterior
Graças à alta nos preços das commodities, o Brasil registrou no segundo trimestre de 2010 a quarta maior expansão de exportações no mundo em comparação ao início do ano e sobe no ranking dos exportadores. Nos últimos anos, a OMC tem alertado que a alta nos valores de produtos alimentícios e minérios tem mascarado um crescimento relativamente modesto nas vendas nacionais.
Ainda assim, a taxa de expansão foi bem inferior ao crescimento das importações, com um impacto direto na balança comercial. Entre abril e junho, a expansão das vendas nacionais ao exterior foi de 27,3%, somando US$ 50 bilhões.
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Pontos de reflexão:
a) esta taxa de crescimento está sustenável?
b) em qual forma existem relações entre crescimento econômico e o setor externo?
c) qual é o papel do real no sistema monetário internacional?
Ainda assim, a taxa de expansão foi bem inferior ao crescimento das importações, com um impacto direto na balança comercial. Entre abril e junho, a expansão das vendas nacionais ao exterior foi de 27,3%, somando US$ 50 bilhões.
Leia mais
Pontos de reflexão:
a) esta taxa de crescimento está sustenável?
b) em qual forma existem relações entre crescimento econômico e o setor externo?
c) qual é o papel do real no sistema monetário internacional?
Crescimento econômico do Brasil
Por Economia & Negócios, estadao.com.br, Atualizado: 3/9/2010 9:00
Economia brasileira cresce 8,9% no 1º semestre, maior alta em 14 anos
A economia brasileira cresceu 8,9% no primeiro semestre deste ano em relação a igual período de 2009, informou o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia de Estatística (IBGE) nesta sexta-feira, 3. Foi o melhor desempenho histórico para um semestre desde o início da série, em 1996. Nos últimos 12 meses até junho, o PIB acumula alta de 5,1%. (Ao final do texto, leia a explicação sobre o que é o PIB.)
Pontos de reflexão:
a) quais são as causas do crescimento tão forte?
b) quais são as relações de este crescimento com o setor externo da economia?
c) o crescimento em esta taxa é causa de celebrar ou de se procupar?
Economia brasileira cresce 8,9% no 1º semestre, maior alta em 14 anos
A economia brasileira cresceu 8,9% no primeiro semestre deste ano em relação a igual período de 2009, informou o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia de Estatística (IBGE) nesta sexta-feira, 3. Foi o melhor desempenho histórico para um semestre desde o início da série, em 1996. Nos últimos 12 meses até junho, o PIB acumula alta de 5,1%. (Ao final do texto, leia a explicação sobre o que é o PIB.)
Pontos de reflexão:
a) quais são as causas do crescimento tão forte?
b) quais são as relações de este crescimento com o setor externo da economia?
c) o crescimento em esta taxa é causa de celebrar ou de se procupar?
Real forte
Brazilian Finance Minister Guido Mantega is failing to convince currency traders that the real is poised to slump as foreign investment pours into the country’s stock and fixed-income markets.
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Pontos de reflexão:
a) por que o real é tão forte?
b) por que o governo prefere um real mais fraco?
Leia mais
Pontos de reflexão:
a) por que o real é tão forte?
b) por que o governo prefere um real mais fraco?
quinta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2010
A crise financeira internacional

quarta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2010
Palestra sobre a independência do Banco Central Europeu
veja Antony Mueller: "Safeguarding the Independence of the European Central Bank"
A legislação brasileira vai ruinar a riqueza do país mais uma vez?
Chris Mayer:
Brazil Screws Up
Dear Capital & Crisis Reader,
Brazilian agriculture looked set to become the breadbasket of the world in the 21st century. It seemed to have everything. Lots of flatland. Plenty of water and sunshine. Already, Brazil is a big exporter of a long list of agricultural items.
I guess Brazil can't stand prosperity, because it just screwed it all up.
The implications will echo far beyond the borders of Brazil. It will have an impact on the world's future food supply and on food prices. And it also raises broader questions about investing in Brazil at all.
On Tuesday, the Brazilian government released new rules -- "immediately binding" -- that restrict foreign ownership of Brazilian land. Worse, the legal rules are so unclear that all such acquisitions since 1988 could be null and void, with the land returned to nationals. Some political groups are saying this is exactly what should be done.
The mainstream papers seem to treat this latter possibility as unlikely. And more moderate political groups also say such a drastic step is unlikely. But I can tell you from talking to people down there in the last few days -- including attorneys -- that local businesspeople are not dismissing that possibility. At best, Brazil is in legal limbo on these questions.
Blame politics. It is an election year in Brazil. The country will vote for a new president on Oct. 3. All indications are that it will be Dilma Rousseff. She is one of the ones who have been highly critical of foreigners buying Brazilian land. "Brazilian land for Brazilians" is the chant.
And there have been a lot of foreigners buying. I wrote to you before about a project in the cerrado that turns scrubland into productive farmland. The economics are very compelling. You get a 100%-plus return in three-four years without leverage using a proven 40-year-old process.
Other folks started to figure this out, too. A group in Hong Kong -- backed by Jacob Rothschild and a pair of Hong Kong tycoons -- raised $179 million to do just what I described in my newsletter. This company, Agrifirma, planned an IPO next year. Then just this month, Macquarie announced a plan to raise as much as $600 million to invest in Brazilian farmland.
There is lots of land in Brazil. The country could double the amount of land under cultivation -- something no other large country could plausibly do. The land is also cheap and potentially very productive. Brazilians can harvest two crops a year, for instance. All these investors are doing the same math. Buy the land. Improve the land. Boom: big returns only a few years later.
Many foreigners are already there. By some estimates, foreigners own or control about 20% of Brazil's cane production. Estimates for some other crops are even higher. Good estimates are tough to come by because many do business through a Brazilian company, even though foreigners own and control it. This is the loophole the government closed with Tuesday's bombshell of an announcement.
In any event, the new rules will freeze agricultural investment in Brazil. This is big news for global food markets because Brazil was such a key part of the equation. Brazil, as I've pointed out, is the world's arable land bank. This is where we'd get the added food supply the world needs.
As Reuters points out, "Brazil's essential role as a provider of food for the world's expanding population is at risk... There are simply no large-scale alternatives to Brazil's unique agriculture potential."
Brazil can't do it alone. Getting the arable land Brazil has to production is a process that takes significant investment and time. Foreigners brought the needed capital. In April alone -- the latest data are available -- foreign investment in Brazilian agriculture was $26 million -- up 225% from a year ago. Between 2002-2008, foreign investors poured nearly $2.5 billion into land alone.
Foreign money also brought the expertise of large-scale and modern farming techniques. Their investment creates jobs for Brazilians. They pay taxes. They raise the value of Brazilian lands. A recent study said that farmland values had increased 54-70% over the last three years in frontier regions.
And of course, foreign money brought more food to the world. What did Brazilians do with Brazilian land before? Nothing. It sat there. And the country was poor and backward.
It looks like Brazil is pining for the old days. Governments are "pathologically stupid," as my friend Doug Casey likes to say. So perhaps this shouldn't be a surprise. Nonetheless, I am always amazed at how readily politicians are so quick to kill the golden geese. (The U.S. government is, sadly, no different.)
It is ominous, too, that this announcement comes during the same year as massive drought sweeps across Europe, killing off crops of all kinds -- but especially Russia's wheat harvest.
Add to that this trend -- in the words of the Financial Times -- "Beijing buys unusually large amounts of corn, soya and rice on the market." Yes, China is now importing corn, and prices in China are at record levels. Soybean imports are double what they were only five years ago. China will import more grain this year than any year since its own crop failures in 1995. It will import about 1 million tonnes, up from only .05 million tonnes last year. --
Chris Mayer: Capital & Crisis, Aug 27, 2010
Brazil Screws Up
Dear Capital & Crisis Reader,
Brazilian agriculture looked set to become the breadbasket of the world in the 21st century. It seemed to have everything. Lots of flatland. Plenty of water and sunshine. Already, Brazil is a big exporter of a long list of agricultural items.
I guess Brazil can't stand prosperity, because it just screwed it all up.
The implications will echo far beyond the borders of Brazil. It will have an impact on the world's future food supply and on food prices. And it also raises broader questions about investing in Brazil at all.
On Tuesday, the Brazilian government released new rules -- "immediately binding" -- that restrict foreign ownership of Brazilian land. Worse, the legal rules are so unclear that all such acquisitions since 1988 could be null and void, with the land returned to nationals. Some political groups are saying this is exactly what should be done.
The mainstream papers seem to treat this latter possibility as unlikely. And more moderate political groups also say such a drastic step is unlikely. But I can tell you from talking to people down there in the last few days -- including attorneys -- that local businesspeople are not dismissing that possibility. At best, Brazil is in legal limbo on these questions.
Blame politics. It is an election year in Brazil. The country will vote for a new president on Oct. 3. All indications are that it will be Dilma Rousseff. She is one of the ones who have been highly critical of foreigners buying Brazilian land. "Brazilian land for Brazilians" is the chant.
And there have been a lot of foreigners buying. I wrote to you before about a project in the cerrado that turns scrubland into productive farmland. The economics are very compelling. You get a 100%-plus return in three-four years without leverage using a proven 40-year-old process.
Other folks started to figure this out, too. A group in Hong Kong -- backed by Jacob Rothschild and a pair of Hong Kong tycoons -- raised $179 million to do just what I described in my newsletter. This company, Agrifirma, planned an IPO next year. Then just this month, Macquarie announced a plan to raise as much as $600 million to invest in Brazilian farmland.
There is lots of land in Brazil. The country could double the amount of land under cultivation -- something no other large country could plausibly do. The land is also cheap and potentially very productive. Brazilians can harvest two crops a year, for instance. All these investors are doing the same math. Buy the land. Improve the land. Boom: big returns only a few years later.
Many foreigners are already there. By some estimates, foreigners own or control about 20% of Brazil's cane production. Estimates for some other crops are even higher. Good estimates are tough to come by because many do business through a Brazilian company, even though foreigners own and control it. This is the loophole the government closed with Tuesday's bombshell of an announcement.
In any event, the new rules will freeze agricultural investment in Brazil. This is big news for global food markets because Brazil was such a key part of the equation. Brazil, as I've pointed out, is the world's arable land bank. This is where we'd get the added food supply the world needs.
As Reuters points out, "Brazil's essential role as a provider of food for the world's expanding population is at risk... There are simply no large-scale alternatives to Brazil's unique agriculture potential."
Brazil can't do it alone. Getting the arable land Brazil has to production is a process that takes significant investment and time. Foreigners brought the needed capital. In April alone -- the latest data are available -- foreign investment in Brazilian agriculture was $26 million -- up 225% from a year ago. Between 2002-2008, foreign investors poured nearly $2.5 billion into land alone.
Foreign money also brought the expertise of large-scale and modern farming techniques. Their investment creates jobs for Brazilians. They pay taxes. They raise the value of Brazilian lands. A recent study said that farmland values had increased 54-70% over the last three years in frontier regions.
And of course, foreign money brought more food to the world. What did Brazilians do with Brazilian land before? Nothing. It sat there. And the country was poor and backward.
It looks like Brazil is pining for the old days. Governments are "pathologically stupid," as my friend Doug Casey likes to say. So perhaps this shouldn't be a surprise. Nonetheless, I am always amazed at how readily politicians are so quick to kill the golden geese. (The U.S. government is, sadly, no different.)
It is ominous, too, that this announcement comes during the same year as massive drought sweeps across Europe, killing off crops of all kinds -- but especially Russia's wheat harvest.
Add to that this trend -- in the words of the Financial Times -- "Beijing buys unusually large amounts of corn, soya and rice on the market." Yes, China is now importing corn, and prices in China are at record levels. Soybean imports are double what they were only five years ago. China will import more grain this year than any year since its own crop failures in 1995. It will import about 1 million tonnes, up from only .05 million tonnes last year. --
Chris Mayer: Capital & Crisis, Aug 27, 2010
Bibliografia "International Political Economy"
Bibliografia anotada (curtas resenhas) sobre Economia Politica Internacional:
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